A real-time feed of Instagram's latest #hyperlapse videos.


Let's Go!

Start without music

Display location over video

Hyperlax is best when watched with relaxing and chill music in the background. Choose from the playlists below, courtesy of Soundcloud.

  • Chill
  • Electronic
  • Piano
  • Ambient
  • Chill Hip-Hop
  • Artist of the Week

Do you see those Instagram #hyperlapse videos on the left? They were just posted to Instagram; it's a real-time feed. Enjoy a peek into the lives of others, from locations around the world. Hyperlax is meant to be a bit of an escape, a bit voyeuristic, a bit relaxing. I think it's mesmerizing. Maybe you will too!

Hyperlax was created as a way for me (@taykcrane) to begin learning how to code. It was inspired by Hypermasher, a site with an almost identical concept, built by Andrew Baker (@andrewtorkbaker). I was drawn to Hypermasher, but felt like there were a few things I could do to make it better. And thus, Hyperlax was born! To contact me for feedback or questions, shoot a note to

A very special shoutout to Josh Frye (@joshfng) for building the database of Instagram videos that Hyperlax depends on. Without him, Hyperlax would be dead. In fact, it WAS dead for a year until Josh stepped in.

Made with in NYC


Looks like you're using a browser or a device that doesn't work well with Hyperlax. The site will only work on desktop/laptops (no mobile or tablet devices), and must be one of the below browsers. This is primarily due to the continuous video playback. But trust me, it's worth it!

Think you're seeing this message in error? Please let me know at taylorkcrane@gmail.com